Call us on Wrose 01274 612 991
Baildon 01274 532 811
Idle 01274 753 474

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Food and Nutrition

At Little Wellies we believe that food and nutrition play an important part in your child’s day. This is why all our menus are careful selected to provide a healthy, balanced and varied diet across each day of the week.

All our meals are prepared on site by our amazing cooks, using the healthy fresh ingredients delivered each week and minimising highly processed foods.

For those who request it, we have a vegetarian option available each day of the week.

Our menus rotate on a three-week cycle, with each week’s menu ensuring we enhance the children’s experience of an array of different tastes, textures and colours.


In the morning, all children have a wide choice of low sugar breakfast cereals with milk.


We provide a hot home cooked dinner, which is varied across the week to include a wide variety of proteins, vegetables and starches to meet their nutritional needs.

This is followed by a delicious pudding of the day.


A snack is provided mid-afternoon to maintain the children’s energy levels.

Afternoon Tea

Our final, two course meal of the day is provided late afternoon, to ensure they’re not going home with an empty tummy.

Milk and water is also provided throughout the day

freshly cooked, delicious, healthy meals to explore different tastes and textures

Enquiry Form

Ofsted Reports

Wrose Ofsted Report
Read Here

Baildon Ofsted Report 
Read Here

Idle Inspection Report
Read Here

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